Helpline # +91 6380 350 221 (Give A Missed Call)

Day 26

Upright character is an important ingredient in any person’s life..
Your character is the guard of your reputation and a necessity for success in any sphere of life..
Without it, nations, businesses, churches, and families crumble and fall into moral disarray..
However, important as character is, integrity (honesty) must be considered more important..!
What is the difference between integrity and character? Character is a matter of doing right, over and over until it becomes a part of your life..
Character, is doing right by habit. It’s simply doing the right thing automatically..
Integrity is a determination of the heart. Integrity is the unwavering determination in the heart to do right no matter what..
When I’m afraid, I must do right. When I’m not afraid, I must do right. When my emotions try to lead me the wrong way, I must have integrity. I must do right. When my emotions are doing fine, I must do right. When I’m among the unbelievers, I must do right. When I’m not among the unbelievers, I must do right. When I’m among committed Christians, I must do right. And when I’m among Christians you can hardly tell apart from the world, I must do right..
When my friends stand with me, I must do right. When my friends attack me, I must still do right. When my friends turn on me, despise me, make fun of me, and put me down, I must still maintain integrity. If my wife/husband and children stand with me, I must do right. If my wife/husband and children don’t stand with me, I must do right. When it’s easy, I must do right. When it’s hard, I must do right. When there’s no cost, I must do right. When the cost seems high, I must do right. When people like it, I must do right. When people don’t like it, I must do right. That’s integrity..
I will do right. I may not feel like it. I may not get any support or encouragement. But I’ve got to have integrity and I won’t let it go. I’ve got to do right! Period. No question marks..
Integrity is not just what people see. Integrity is what you are..
If you’ve got any integrity, it’s not just because you have it naturally. If you’ve really got it, it’s because God gave it to you. So hold on to it. The Holy Spirit is your help..
How can a person hold onto integrity? Only by having it and keeping it in the heart..
Integrity says, “I can’t do this because I can’t live with myself if I do.” That is integrity in the heart..
“The integrity and moral courage of the upright will guide them, But the crookedness of the treacherous will destroy them.…..”(Proverbs 11:3‬)


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