DEVACHE UTOR koxem kam kortolem, hem somzopachem tujem kam noi, ucharpachem tujem kam…!
Jedna Devachem Utor uloitat, ani soitanak Jezu Kristachea Navan zoran dhomki ditat, tedna dusman pollun vetolo , danv martolem..!!
Oxem tôr, Devak khaltim zaiat;
devcharacher zhuz korat ani to tumchê
thaun pollun vetolo.
“Sorvesporan mhollem: ‘Tunvem sarkem dekhlai; Mhojem utor sakar korunk Hanv zagrut asam.…..”(Jeremias 1:12)
February 23
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of