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Tujem jivit tujea utrachem dishecho porinam zata…!
Tujem poristiticher bhavarthim utra uchar ani polle DEV tujea jivitachea mornak ani sukia suvatini jivit hadtolo…
Kiteak tem castr zaun asat, hea soputant xokti asa..!!
Devan hem ek sangun dovorlam, tench hanvem portun-portun aikolam: soglli podvi Devachich!”
toxench Mhojea tonddantlem bhair sorta tem utor, Mhoji khuxi pall’lea bogor ani Hanvem korunk formailam tem xarthi pavoilea xivai, nirfoll zaun Mhojê-xim portun iena…..
Khorench Devachem utor jivem ani bollixtt.
Tem don-ui vattamnim pazlolê torvari poros
rombta. Zoim mon’xacho prann ani otmo
toxench sandhe ani mendu doxim zatat, thoim porian tem rigunk xokta. Tem
mon’xachea kallzache otrek ani chintnam topasun tanchê vixim aplo nivaddo dita….
“Ani Tannem mhaka mhollem: Hea haddancher sondêx din tankam sang: “Suklolea haddamnô, Sorvespora-chem utor aikat. Hea haddank Sorvespor Dev oxem sangta: Hanv svas tumchê bhitôr soro-so kortolom ani tumi novean jivim zatoleat….”(Ezekiel 37:4–5)


February 5

This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. —1 John 4:10. God loved us

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February 4

This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. —1 John 4:9. Showing love

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February 3

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. —1 John 4:8 An unloving person doesn’t know God. It’s that simple. Enough said. No more words are

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