Dev tujea jivitachem mõl ek adaracher tharaita; tujia sombondacher…
Tu tor tuje jivit Mogan jiena zalear, tu kitem mhunnta thitlei upkarona, tu kitem dithai tei upkarona ani tu kitem zoddta tei upkarona..!!
Tujean sogllem korunk zata ani goddie tujem lagin zai titloi bhavarthui asa dongor holovpak. Punn tujem lagin mog na tor tu kaich noi..!!
“Jezu Kristachea ektarant asloleank tãnnim sunôt keli vô na keli mhonn porvach na; mhotvachem tem ekuch – pritimogachê sfurtin aplo vavr korit asa to bhavarth…” (Galasiekarank 5:6)
February 23
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of