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Jedna tu tujem dyan Devan tujea fudarak kitem dovorla tacher dita, Tachea Uttracher,
tem dhyan, ti nodor, to bhavarth ani karya hacher porinam zata, tench jem vorta taka spast zavpak….
Dyanik dhisha dovorop, sonkoxtta virenth, tuka odhikaran dovortolim sodun vochona zavpak joitivont zav porean..
Khoro bhavarth tuji nodor Devacher dovorta Jednam sonvsar tujea samkara sonkoll podtta..
Jednam tuji chithnam tu Devacher dovorta, Dev tuji chithnam nithol korta..
Devacher dhyan dovor, tujea sonkoxttacher nhoi. Devache aik, tujea adkolliche nhoi. Devacher patteivun rav, tujea kudh xokethecher nhoi..
Tujean xiva sarkem bhovad marunk zata ani Devak kaich sangop na. Tujea bhobav marun ani vodlean magnem koru yeta, pun tuje magnem sorgar thenkche na. Aplinch porikxa ghe! Tu fokt tuji utra hanga thoi udoitha vo tu tuje dhyan dovorta? Dev tuje kalliz poitha. Zaitho Lokh asa je fokt firthat ani porte porte tench uloitat ani ek patti punn Devache chithnant. Tuje kalliz tujea thondantlean yeta tea utrank madhun ghetha..?
Tacher chodd bhavarth dovorunk zhuz! Dhuddu nhoi, famil nhoi, sonstha nhoi punn Taka..
Mhojem Deva lagim sombhond soglleavon vhodle dyan. Hanv zanna havem thor tacher dhyan dovorle zalear Dev urlelem sogllem apun poletolo..
Mhojea tonddantlim utram,
mhojea kallzachim chintnam
Tuka manom, Sorvespora,
mhojea Khoddpa, mhojea Taroka!
“To mogan Mhaka chikttun ravta dekhun
Hanv taka nivartolom, Mhojem Nanv
to vollkhota dekhun Hanv taka rakhtolom.
To mhaka ulo marta tedna Hanv taka zap ditolom; akantant Hanv
tachea sangata astolom; Hanv taka vattaitolom ani vhôdd kortolom.
Lamb auk diun taka dhadoxi kortolom,
Mhojem taronn polleunk taka favo kortolom.”…( storam 91:14-16)


May 2

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ… —Romans 5:1. The cost of peace is always high. Jesus’ enormous sacrifice

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May 1

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander,

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April 30

But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul. —Deuteronomy 4:29. When

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