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Dev jem kitem korta tem tujea borea khatir korta ani kiteak To tujo mog Korta. Povitr Pustok mhuntta, Tacho Korar samballtoleank ani “Tache adnia palltoleank
Sorvesporacheô,” vattô Soglleöch mogacheô ani visvaxiponnacheo….
Hem kitem oslem Zaka tuka portun portun ugdas korpak podtolo, kiteak jedna Dev tujea magnnea khatir “na” munta, soitan tujer dubhavacho kombh thir korun udoitolo. To tuka foti kanat futfutpak vetolo: “Dev tuzo mog korina. To tujim kallzi korina; na tor To tuka tem sogllem ditolo jem tuka zai!” Punn soitan fotkiro..
Mogan prayrit asa hem zana zavpak tuka aplea magnea khatir DEVACHEM Utor somzopachim goroj na…
Ki Avoi Papui burgem rodta zallear passun suri vo uzeachipeti ditoliat?
Dev tuzo chodan chod mog korta tuka soglle maglolem divunk. zalear, Jednam Dev mhuntta “Na,” tuje lagim thin paryay asat: tujean tem nakaruk zatha, porthe dhaduk zatha, vo thathun visov ghevunk zatha.
Tujean Devank nakaru yetha. Tujean Tachem koden zogduk zatha, Tacher pixe zanv yetha, Tacher fatt koru yetha ani apleach hathin sogllo vavr ghevuk zatha. Kiteak tuka Tacher visas na ki Tache lagim vhodle yathadarxan, bori yevzon ani vodhle udhex tuje pasot korunk zatat mhoon..
Tujean porthe tem daddu yetha. Jednam tu Devachea mogacher dubhavtha, tem tuka koddu ani dukhi korta…
Tujean thathun visov ghevu yetha, jednam mandtha ki Devank tujea kallza bhithor umedh asa, tujean novea dolleanim to kitem korta orth naslole te pov yetha.
Tuka goddie somzonk yena zaith. Te goddie ekdom dukhi asot. Pun Dev torui Boro. To mogi, ani To kednach tuzo mog korunk bhondh zanvchona. Tujean mhunnok zatha, “Hathun pasun, Devacho mog urtha.”
Tench ek zavun asa bore torechem uthor ki te tuka xanthi hadta! Te nakarnaka vo porthe dhadnaka Devache korni tujea jivitant. Tujean sothanth visov ghevu yetha, tachea boreponan, ki tem sodanch tujea boreak..
Punn Sorvespor tumkam prosonn zaunk ravta; Zo Xrêxit- Vorto, To tumchi doia korunk veta…
“Sorgar thaun To mhaka adar dhaddum ani soddoum; mhojea angar poddtoleank To lojek ghalum; Dev Aplem visvaxiponn ani mog dakhoum!…..”(Stotram 57:3)


May 19

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. —Matthew 5:16 As Christians, we are not

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Day 18

Some men came carrying a paralytic on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. — Luke 5:18. What is the best example of

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May 17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! —2 Corinthians 5:17. When we come to Christ, he makes us

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