Sonvsarant kitench zaun di mohtvachem na – kobor birantichim passun aslear, sonvsar kitlech katortaien halo zallear, arthvayvasta koxim apton nash zavpak xokta – pun DEVACHE lok kodinch lojek sampoddchem nant….
Dev amchem khatir Aplem Utor godun hadpa khatir amchem bhavarthacher kam kortolo..!
DEV ekloch fokot tea sogllea khatir etlo jem Tacher purai visvas kortat – sonvsar kednach munok xokchona, “Tujea Devan aplem Utor pallunk na”…
Jedna koxt etlem, tedna borem lok noxt zavchem nat. Jednam bukicho vell etlo, borea loka lagin kavpak zaitem astelem…
Tôr bhieum naka, kiteak Hanv tujea sangata asam;
huskeun ghabrun polleum naka, kiteak Hanv tuzo Dev.
Tuka Hanv bollvont kortam ani mozôt ditam, Mhojea zoitivont uzvea hatan
tuka samballun dhôrtam…
“Kiteak “Tacher bhavarth dovortat tim sogllim kodinch lojek sampoddchim nant.”. oxem Povitr Pustok sangta.”……”(Romkarank 10:11)
January 15
Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. —Psalm 100:3. God made us and