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Nirnoi ge kitem gorjechem tem tujea jivitant, Zorui tu korina, dusrim tujem passot nirnoi getelim – tim tuka tachea akarant udoitelim, ani tu tujem jivit tanchea mahatva pormonem jietolo, ani noi tujea…
Dekhun tumi, bhov mogachea bhavam-bhoinnimnò, tumkam hanvem xiddkaileant mhonnttôch, chotrai dhôrat-na’ zalear, noxttea mon’xanchi vankddi
Vatt dhôrun, tumi-i tumchem thirponn
sanddun vexat. Urfattim Jezu Kristachi, amchea Somia ani Soddvonnarachi, doiallai bhôgat ani Tacho odik-odik onnbhôv korun gheiat. Taka mhoima atam ani sasnnachea sasnnak! Amen!…
Ékuch Kudd ghoddun Krist dita ti xanti bhôgunk Devan tumkam apoileant;
tôr hi xanti dolleam mukhar dovrun
tumchem jivit choloiat ani tich zaum
tumchem inam’! Ani Devak sodam
dhin’vaxit ravat….
Kristacho sondêx subham’ponnan
tumchea kallzamnim tthikann korum. Sogllê zannvaien ekamekak xikoiat ani budh diat. Tumchim kallzam dhin’vasan bhoron, stotramnim, gitamnim ani Povitr Atmo upzoita tea gaionamnim Devachi
vakhann’nni korat. Tumi mhonnttat ani kortat titlem-i Somia Jezuchea
nanvan korat ani Tachê vôrvim Devak,
amchea Bapak, argam diat…
“Konnacheach kosleach rinnant ravum
nakat; tumkam ekuch rinn asunk zai tem
hem: ekamekacho môg korop «, Karonn
jim konn peleacho mög kortat, tännim
ak’khi Somurt pall’li. 9 “Pordvar korum
noiê; jivexim marum noiê; chorum noiê;
axa dhorum noiê; ani asat titlêo her soglleo adnia he ekech adnient attaploleo
asat: “Tuzo môg kortai toso tujea
peleacho kôr.” Mog peleak käich vaitt
korina; mhonnttôch, jim konn mög
kortat, tim Somurt sopurnnaien palltat….”(Romkarank 13:8-10)


May 5

[The Lord‘s Messiah] will stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God. And they will live securely, for then

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May 4

In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. —Psalm 5:3. A beloved elder in a church and

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May 3

Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let

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