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Bhavarth ani sadhachar nirnai ghevpank margdharshak koxem seva korunk favo..
DEVAN amkam sasnik atmo dilla ani, huxarkai ani thark hea Devachea deneanin amkam Thacheo rochnechio vostu somozo yetha..
Tujem UTOR bondera-khal(standard) kor..!
Jim konn vaittak borem ani boreak vaitt mhonnttat,
jim konn kallôkhak uzvadd ani uzvaddak
kallôkh mhonn dhôrtat, jim konn godd tem koddu ani koddu tem godd mhonn lêkhtat,
tancher-ui xirap!..
Hea khatir, Kristacher bhavarth samballunk ani tumche sugunn vaddounk sogllê humedin tumi vavrunk zai; teach borabôr Devachi khuxi zanno zaunk proitn korat; zagrutaien tumcheô vaitt vondovnniô domauncheô; toxench addkhollim modem thir ravat; teach borabôr tumchi bhokti vaddon vetoli; 7 oxench sogllea bhavam-bhoinninchi opurbai tumi korchi ani sogllea mon’xam lagim pritimogan cholchem.
He sugunn tumkam astit ani te tumi vaddoit ascheat zalear, tumchem jivit bexttem ani nirfoll urchem na; punn tanchê vorvim tumi Jezu Kristak, amchea Somiak, odik-odik vollkhunk pavtoleat.
Mhonnttôch thoko-nastana borem tem korum-ia: kiteak borem korchem sôddun dinanv zalear, tachem pik vêll pavtôch amkam melltolem….
“Sangtam tem hem: Povitr Atmeachê sfurti pormannem cholat ani patki soimbacheô khuxiô pallunk tumi pavchim nant….”(Galatians 5:16)


May 4

In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. —Psalm 5:3. A beloved elder in a church and

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May 3

Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let

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May 2

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ… —Romans 5:1. The cost of peace is always high. Jesus’ enormous sacrifice

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