The Bible tells us that God’s grace is manifested in the person of Jesus!..
We cannot do anything to earn God’s abundance – it is given by His grace and to those who believe in His Son, Jesus Christ..!
By the free gift of God’s grace all are put right with Him through Christ Jesus, who sets them free..
And from the overflow of His fullness
we received grace heaped upon more grace!
Moses gave us the Law, but Jesus, the Anointed One,
unveils truth wrapped in tender mercy.
No one ever before gazed upon the full splendor of God
except His uniquely beloved Son,
who is cherished by the Father
and held close to His heart.
Now that He has come to us, He has unfolded
the full explanation of who God truly is!
“For by grace you have been saved by faith. Nothing you did could ever earn this salvation, for it was the love gift from God that brought us to Christ! So no one will ever be able to boast, for salvation is never a reward for good works or human striving…”(Ephesians 2:8-9)
January 15
Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. —Psalm 100:3. God made us and