The word “believe” is used most frequently in the gospels..
It is so easy to forget God’s presence and power when we face uncertain and difficult times..
Our faith falters and we doubt that God is with us, sometimes even doubting that He is real and who He says He is..
God knew that we would struggle with unbelief and has spoken reassuring words to us through the Bible..
Choose to believe the best in people and situations despite the symptoms and what you see, simply because that’s what the Word tells us to do and GOD will do the rest and honour you..!
Faith is believing in the unseen and God is pleased with faith..
“This is the reason I urge you to boldly believe for whatever you ask for in prayer—be convinced that you have received it and it will be yours……”(Mark 11:24)
February 23
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of