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Day 27

When you focus on what God has said about your future, in His Word, that focus, that vision, that believing and action followed, is what it takes to manifest it..
Maintaining a focused attitude, regardless of obstacles, will empower you not to give up until you succeed..
True faith is keeping your eyes on God when the world around you is falling apart..
When you fix your thoughts on God, God fixes your thoughts..
Focus on God, not your problem. Listen to God, not your insecurities. Rely on God, not your own strength..
You can yell like a lion and not say one thing to God. You can scream and pray boldly, but your prayer still won’t touch Heaven. Examine yourself! Are you just throwing words around or are you focusing? God looks at the heart. There are people who can ramble and say repetitive things and not think about God once. Does your heart align with the words that come out of your mouth?..
Fight for more focus on Him! Not finances, not family, not the ministry, but Him..
My relationship with God is my number one focus. I know that if I take care of that, God will take care of everything else..
So let the words of my mouth, my meditation-thoughts, and every movement of my heart be always pure and pleasing, acceptable before Your eyes, Yahweh, my only Redeemer, my Protector..
“Because he has focused his love on me, I will deliver him. I will protect him because he knows My name. When he calls out to me, I will answer him. I will be with him in his distress. I will deliver him, and I will honor him. I will satisfy him with long life; I will show him My deliverance.”…..”(Psalm 91:14-16)


May 5

[The Lord‘s Messiah] will stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God. And they will live securely, for then

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May 4

In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. —Psalm 5:3. A beloved elder in a church and

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May 3

Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let

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