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Amkam soglleank margdharshanachim goroj, amcher kitlo favor asa tem mohotvachem na…!
Devachem sotachem Uttor ani borem jivita kathir bhi goddie monxache giniyan magchem na, punn amchem giniyan kitem sangtat tem ami kortat, ami goddie ek vostucher sakun dusrencher uddun vetat, margdharshana viren, ami amchim besava chukoitoliant….
Mon’xachim panvlam Sorvespor rakhta
ani mogan tachê vattêveleô soglleô addkholli kaddun uddoita.
Nisorlear-ui to sokla poddcho na,
kiteak Sorvespor tachea hatak ghôtt dhôrta.
Tornno aslom, atam zalam mhataro,
punn borea mon’xak Devan sanddlolo
hanvem kodinch polleunk na. Tachea bhurgeank bhik magunk poddlolem aiz porian hanvem polleunk na….
“Sorvespor, tumcho Tarôk, Israel Povitr mhonn vondita To, oxem mhonntta:
‘Hanv sorvespor Dev, jem tumchea boreak
tench tumkam xikoitam, ji vatt tumi dhôrunk zai, têch vatten Hanv tumkam vhortam.
…..”(Izaias 48:17)


May 19

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. —Matthew 5:16 As Christians, we are not

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Day 18

Some men came carrying a paralytic on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. — Luke 5:18. What is the best example of

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May 17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! —2 Corinthians 5:17. When we come to Christ, he makes us

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