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Day 5

Faith pleases God.. (Hebrews 11:6)
And faith works and expresses itself through love.. (Galatians 5:6)
Every time you show generosity out of a loving heart, you strengthen your faith..
That’s because every time you are generous, a change takes place in you..
Every time you give, your heart moves another step up towards God – This is what love is all about. You become more loving—and, therefore, more like Jesus—when you become more generous..
Society does not tell you to give; our culture constantly tells you to get. It’s an “all about me” world—me, my stuff, my needs—me, me, me..
But when you’re generous, it takes the focus off you so you can think about others..
Showing generosity also strengthens your faith when you depend on God in those situations and trust Him..
For example, when you use your time to help your neighbor, you have to trust God to make it work so you can get your stuff done too and that trusting God to see you through builds your faith in Him..
When you help someone out, don’t think about how it looks. Just do it—quietly. That is the way your God, working behind the scenes, helps you out..
“Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.…..”(Philippians 2:4-5‬)


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May 4

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May 3

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