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Day 19

Father’s Day is a beautiful opportunity to celebrate the deep, God-given desire to respect, impress, and follow these honorable men in our lives..
These are the men who have shaped us, invested in us, been patient with us, and given us the love and stability we have needed to become mature and competent adults..
God has entrusted man with great responsibility – to provide spiritual leadership in their homes & to their families..
Let us reflect on the role of godly fathers.
1. Fathers lead families
2. Fathers protect
3. Fathers are examples
4. Fathers are guides
5. Fathers give stability
6. Fathers are loving
7. Fathers take pride in their children
8. Fathers reflect God’s unique love
Godly fathers love their family; lead their family; provide for their family; impart wisdom, & demonstrate forgiveness..
Honor your dad this Father’s Day.
Don’t assume he won’t appreciate being celebrated—even if he’s the silent, non-emotional type..
“The righteous man who walks in integrity and lives life in accord with his [godly] beliefs— How blessed [happy and spiritually secure] are his children after him [who have his example to follow].……”(Proverbs 20:7‬)


May 4

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May 3

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May 2

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